The project

17 municipalities in the provinces of Biella, Turin and Vercelli have joined an association for the development of tourism in the area between the rice fields, Lake Viverone and Ivrea’s Serra Morenica.

The 17 “Slowland Piedmont” municipalities are Torrazzo, Cerrione, Salussola, Dorzano, Magnano, Roppolo, Viverone, Cavaglià, Carisio, Alice Castello, Moncrivello, Albiano d’Ivrea, Azeglio, Cossano, Palazzo, Piverone, Settimo Rottaro.

A territory rich in biodiversity: lakes, hills, rice fields, woods and, again, paths, vineyards, villages and people. A territory that has, in its variety, a fascinating constant: the rhythm and the force of nature. The well-being of slowness, which allows inhabitants and visitors to live enchanting experiences in harmony with the environment and themselves.

A virtuous project that the twenty municipalities wanted to embrace to impart the right value to this unspoilt corner of Piedmont. The operatives of the territory, who take care of it daily, with devotion and love, articulate it and exalt it with their offerings.

Tailor work customised for every need, but above all for your well-being.


Informazioni e prenotazioni

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    Data partenza

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