Points of Interest

  • Cavallini square

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  • Ecomuseum "Stories of floats and Cartwrights", Zimone (TO)

    The agricultural cart, used by the inhabitants of Zimone, was an indispensable tool that combined the work of the fields with the rural house, the daily toil to the affections of the family. The ai...
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  • Ecomuseum of chair-makers and straw-makers, Azeglio (TO)

    The nucleus of the ecomuseum consists of the "La cadrega fiurija" exhibition area, in which four rooms can be visited where a typical Azegliese house has been rebuilt, with the carpentry workshop an...
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  • Frazione Rolle

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  • Gold and Bessa Museum, Zubiena (BI)

    At the centre of the Special Nature Reserve of the Bessa, on the moraine of the Serra, there are the great Roman aurifodines, which were active between the II and the I century BC: an artificial lands...
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  • Il Festival Musica Antica a Magnano

    Una chiesa romanica in mezzo ai prati sulla collina della Serra, strumenti originali suonati nello spirito dell'epoca a lume di candela: un concerto per l'anima e per i sensi, a deliziare gli appass...
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  • La Chiesa romanica di San Pietro al Cimitero, Tronzano

    Antica parrocchiale di Tronzano Superiore ed uno dei monumenti romanici più importanti del Piemonte, la chiesa di San Pietro extra muros fu citata per la prima volta nel 1188 e probabilmente fu costr...
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  • Le palafitte del lago di Viverone

    Il sito archeologico palafitticolo del Lago di Viverone, situato nella parte sudoccidentale dominata da paludi, ampi prati lasciati a pascolo e pioppeti, si inserisce nel sistema dei "Siti Palafittic...
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  • MAAP - Museum of Art and Poetry, Cossano (TO)

    The Giulia Avetta open-air Museum of Art and Poetry (MAAP) was established to make known and appreciate the sources of the poetry of the author, profound and incisive albeit little known. An open-a...
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  • Museum - Laboratory of gold and stone, Salussola (BI)

    The Laboratory Museum project originates from an interdisciplinary research of the University of Turin for the enhancement of the Lower Serra Biellese area and of the archaeological area of ancient Vi...
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  • Museum "I fer ‘d na vira", Santhià (VC)

    "The utensils of the past": those that the skilled hands of people of Santhià used for daily jobs in their professions. More than 800 tools are collected in this museum that illustrates the loca...
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  • Pit of Purcarel

    Purcarel quarry is the name of a natural circular hollow, probably a drained lake. The clay composition of the soil (typical of moraines) occasionally turns it into a pond rich in amphibious fauna. &...
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  • San Vitale

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  • Slowland's ricetti

    Ricetti are small, partially fortified structures typical of the medieval period, which in some cases have survived the passing centuries well. It was a protected area within which the precious assets...
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  • The Menhirs of Cavaglià (BI)

    Among the items of interest within the village, there is a cromlech, that is to say a type of circular monument consisting of a set of large rough stones - the so-called "menhirs". The site can b...
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